
Water is our lifeline and additional efforts must be made to protect and increase water supply to support a thriving economy.

We encourage the comprehensive and efficient management of California’s precious water resources in order to accommodate growth in California; to ensure that California’s communities have access to an adequate supply of safe drinking water; and to guarantee that our farms and businesses get the water they need, even in dry years. We oppose additional bonded indebtedness.


  • 2014 -California voters approved Proposition 1, a $7.12 billion water bond to fund water supply infrastructure projects.
  • January 2014 – Governor Brown declared a drought State of Emergency calling on all residents to conserve water.
  • April and September 2014 and January 2015, The Governor issued drought related Executive Orders. Additionally, the State Water Resources Control Board has adopted a number of emergency conservation regulations.
  • April 1, 2015 – Governor Brown directed the State Water Board to implement mandatory water reductions in urban areas to reduce potable urban water usage by 25 percent statewide.

In the wake of such extreme measures over the issue of water in California, Lawrence H. Easterling, Jr. brings valuable insight to the history of California’s water conveyance system.

California Water Management Dilemma, by Lawrence H. Easterling, Jr.

“We are witnessing the dismantling of the California water conveyance system that supplies drinking water for 25 million California residents and four million acres of prime farmland …”

Read More:   http://www.foxandhoundsdaily.com/2015/06/california-water-management-dilemma/#facebook-comments