Do you got what it takes? How well do you know your country? Study up, because you will be graded by a special guest.
Will Witt goes on the streets of Hollywood to expose the truth on Republicans. What he finds out might surprise you, or maybe not… that’s up to you to decide.
Test your presidential skills. Can you name the presidents of the United States of America?
This is a great video if you are, or are not yet a conservative. If you are, then you need to know why you are right. If you are thinking about becoming a conservative, this video will help explain the values that might relate to you. Let us help answer any more of your questions…
We found this great video from Dave Rubin, he hosts a radio show called “The Rubin Report.” Some may not know this but Dave Rubin used to be a huge progressive. Dave even had a show with The Young Turks. This video was produced by Prager University and provides awesome insight to how the left…
If you were to apply for U.S. citizenship today, would you have the stuff to get your citizenship? Well, in the last past 10 years about 6.6 million people were naturalized citizens, that’s more people than the entire country of Denmark!! For the past 4 years here is the breakdown of newly naturalized citizens by…
The Democrat’s new gas tax imposes a $5.2 billion tax increase on Californians to allegedly fund transportation. This slaps us with a 12.5 cent/gallon gas tax increase, a 20 cent/gallon diesel excise tax increase, increases the annual vehicle registration tax $25-$175, and creates a $100 per year fee on zero emission vehicles. This tax disproportionately impacts low…
The San Benito Republicans have your guide to what it takes to become a United States President. It not only takes persistence for Donald Trump and Ted Cruz to become a 2016 presidential candidate, they must know our system. So whether you if you think you can do a better job than our current president…
We explore what candidate are you most like with this helpful candidate picker tool
This year, in this election, we are called to reaffirm our values and our commitments, to hold them against a hard reality and see how we are measuring up…